MVA-Related Assessment

treatment and rehabilitation focused Neuropsychological assessment

If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, and are experiencing difficulties with your attention, memory or other cognitive skills, we can help.


A neuropsychological assessment can determine if you sustained a concussion or other brain injury.  We can evaluate  your cognitive skills (attention, memory, processing speed, verbal and visual-spatial skills, executive functioning skills), diagnose impairments that may exist, and offer treatment guidance to help in your recovery. 


A neuropsychological diagnosis can help identify the need the other treatment services, to help speed up your recovery.


Funding for your assessment may be provided through your automobile insurer.  We will work with you to complete a Treatment and Assessment Plan (OCF-18) to determine if insurer funding is available. 


These are NOT intended to be medical-legal evaluations.  You do not require a referral by a lawyer to access this service. 


If you would like to learn more about our independent assessment services, or to arrange for a neuropsychological evaluation, please contact Dr. Harnadek through our office.


Contact uS:

TEL:  519-657-0200

FAX:  226-636-1423